One good thing using the PC to develop a layout and to try different trackplans is an activity I love.
Now, when I have started to physically build the first feet of track on the layout, installing the lowest level, its time to freeze the development of the plans.
But, new ideas pop up all the time. The last days, 3-4 major changes have been developed and refined on the layout, hopefully the last current version is the one that shall be build.
From revision 4, there was an elevated track, used to divide the elevated city over the hidden station from the mainstation. I think thats a good idea, and want to keep that.
Playing around on the internet to find real elevated tracks, I come over The High Line project. Yes, thats what I want to model!! The High Line project is about to preserve and develop what remains of the old High Line to public use today. The High Line was originally constructed in the 1930s, to lift dangerous freight trains off Manhattan's streets.
On this The High Line project website I could fine a lot about the history and a lot of old photos that gave me the inspiration to include this as my elevated track on the layout.

One image from the archives, Bell Telephone Company and the High Line running through the building, giving Bell direct connection to the line on their private siding.
This image and many other, can be found here: The High Line In Operation.
Here a blog: High Line
I also found a scan of a booklet, describing the project, from 1934, giving good inspiration:

This gave me the inspiration to set up the final(hopefully) version of the layout(rev 8):
This is a major change in the concept of the layout. The mainstation is flipped around, so the entrance track coming from west now will follow the front of the layout the whole way along the the front board. This gives much more visible running on the mainline and also give a good solution on the main station. The hidden station and the elevated track are also redesigned. Some more turnouts needed to be installed on the mainline, so each track can reach the hidden station.
Now there are also some new tracks in the closed, so I can run trains before the helix even is build. The lower level with Tehachapi loop and the big helix to connect both layouts are still in the plan, but now I can waith with that part and still run some trains.

The development the last days, from revision 4.1 to revision 8:
Click on images for more info: