Posts in Category: Video

Video #3 from Zity Edge Layout

The first complete testrun on Zity Edge Layout

Finally, I have installed all tracks and the High Line bridge, so I could do a complete testrun.

I took the layout out of the closet and moved it on the table in the livingroom, so I could install and clean all tracks.

Check out the short testvideo #3 from Zity Edge Layout.

Video #2 from Zity Edge Layout

Test of LED-animation

A test with an animation of the LED-strips behind the mountain backdrop. The current colors in the video are just to test to see how it could be. All lights are run by an Arduino microcontroller. I guess I need to use some time to develop the programs for the Arduino. The LED-strip in the video is a 144 RGB leds/meter, adressable WS2812B strip, with a total of 235 LED's.

First run on the new layout

Check out my first run on the new layout. The lower track is installed, and I needed to check if the big AZL steamers would run on the track. Minimum radius on this part is 195 mm. 

Lower level finished, track installed, first run

The lower level of the module is now finished and all the track have been installed.

The first ever run on this new module was done tonight. Not a complete round because the tracks in the yard are not connected to power yet, but the front part has been tested.

All visible parts have got MTL track, hidden part have got some Märklin track and some Peco flextrack. I could have used MTL all over, but I have plenty of the other track and try to use Märklin and Peco in hidden areas.


Check out video: